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domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

Se oriente, rapaz!

noite escura na rua murada de luas
morada de um sem número de criaturas 
todas cobertas de música até os pés

treva densa depois das janelas abertas
sorriso banguela de uma casa fechada
fachada de gente honesta e sincera

quando antevejo a face nua da aurora
fresta uma dúvida calada no momento
se antes olhava pra fora ou pra dentro

e não vai embora...


What is poetry? According to Rilke, a great writer and poet, is the revelation of someone's  interior in a way that can only be reached by love. Yes. Of course, he is not denying the labor  that has to be done by the poet, but this will also be part of that revelation. When someone get revealed incomplete, what we find is an immature work, perfectly understandable and liable to criticism. If you want your work to be loved, it has to be well-natured. That's the precise word in English, well-natured. If you build, they will come, would say my version of Field of Dreams. This simple shit says only that you have to move yourself and materialize your dream, but don't do this as you would go buy umbrellas. It's something that requires a lot of think and intuition. You just don't do life, life does you and you have to build your own path as the big wave is coming and destroying all that the social memory cannot guarantee. 

Construir é trabalho disciplinar, mas nem toda disciplina tem a ver com condutas militares. A disciplina é um carinho, aquilo que a mãe tem com o filho, o que nela está guardado pro seu bebê. Assim deve ser a poesia, um cuidado que o artista tem com aquilo que vai parir pro mundo. 

Raise your poem as a child in you, show it to the world when you are really proud of it, when it really express what you have done to put in our world. This doesn't have to have with time, although time is something really important in a maturing process. So, feel free to give birth, but do it with the certainty you will be showing something to reverberate. Be proud of your words, of your images and rythm. Let the words come from your soul, through your brain, to have birth as idea and get expressed as beauty.

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