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segunda-feira, 8 de outubro de 2012

Eleições brasileiras: mayors and aldermen!


We, quem? Nós, who? -----------------------------> A MUDANÇA


Mais 4 anos?! Hell, no!

O Sr. Eduardo Paes e o Sr. Cesar Maia, dentre outros, conseguiram, novamente, manter-se no quadro político ativo do país. Paes conseguiu a reeleição na Prefeitura, com o apoio de Dilma, Lula, PT, PMDB e outros partidos  including the minor one who was declared on news as bought, by PMDB, to support Eduardo Paes' campaign. Besides, we all know Paes gave money to poor comunities, through it's samba representations, which gave him an enormous advantage on the others. And this money...came...from...WHERE? Investimento cultural, é? E por que só agora? É uma baixaria sem tamanho, que qualquer um pode perceber, está na cara, está declarado.

O surpreendente, no entanto, é o caso Cesar Maia. Why? Because he is not only involved with a lot of major bullshits done in the city, but he has done a thing called Cidade da Música, a space for music and all that concerns it, that never came to an end. It's there, incomplete, a thing that costed more than four times the previous work on Maia's time, Cidade do Samba. We have only one theater here, while São Paulo has seven capable to receive a symphony orchestra. Despite of all this crap, Maia once again is there, between the wolves, pretending to be the old and tenacious sheep he has been since I can remember. Now, he is just a alderman, but just wait, as Fernando Collor de Melo, he will, once again, rise from the dead and rule again!


And bring me some salted peanuts, for I want to eat them out of the C@N!

RIO DE JANEIRO... que medo, hein? No topo do Brasil, temos a ditadora Dilma Rousseff, que de brasileira só tem a intenção de voto. De lá pra cá, opa, vem uma renca de comparsas, que culminam no nosso vereadorzinho, Cesar Maia, passando pelo prefeiteco, Eduardo Paes. Shame on you, cariocas, really. More four years of pure BROMA.

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